GPA System
• GPA is abbreviation for gravid, para, abortus. Accompanied by Arabic numerals, G,P, and A (or Ab) describe the patient’s obstetric history.
• Use arabic numerals. Roman numerals are not appropriate.
G gravid (number of pregnancies)
P para(number of births of viable offspring)
A or Ab abortus (abortions)
Nulligravida gravid O – no pregnancies
Primigravida gravid 1, G1 1 pregnancy
Secundigravida gravid 2, G2 2 pregnancy
Nullipara para O no deliveries of viable offspring
• separate GPA sections by commas. Either the abbreviated or the spelled out form may be used, whichever is dictated.
E.g. Obstetric history: G4,P3 and AL
or Obstetric history: gravid 4, para 3, abortus 1.
TPAL System
• system use to described obstetric history of a patient.
T term infants
P Premature infants
A Abortions
L living children
Separate TPAL number by hyphens.
E.g. Obstetric history: 4-2-2-4.
• TPAL numbers need not be spelled out unless dictated that way, for example
E.g. Obstetric history: 4 term infants, 2 premature infants, 2 abortions, 4 living children.
• Sometimes, GPA terminology is combined with TPAL terminology.
E.g. The patient is gravid 3, 3-0-0-3, or gravid 3, para 3-0-0-3 or G3, P3-0-0-3
or gravid 3-0-0-3
Cesarean Section
• not Cesarean, caesarean, or Caesarean.
Brief form is C-section, but do not use it unless it is dictated, and even then do not use it in the operative title section of the operative reports or discharge summaries.